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Quality Control and Risk Management in the IVF laboratory Download als een iCal bestand
Van Vrijdag 21 Maart 2014
Tot Zaterdag 22 Maart 2014
Dorit KieslingerHits : 9967 

Quality Control and Risk Management in the IVF laboratory: from theory to practise

Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd of March 2014
Thessaloniki | Greece

Reproductive scientists, embryologists, quality managers in IVF, clinicians as well as ART Unit managers who desire to improve their knowledge and understanding of all the recent advances in Quality and Risk Management for ART laboratories are invited to join the new and exciting Embryolab Academy  Workshop on Quality Control, Trouble shooting  and Risk Management in the IVF laboratory: from theory to practise. This Workshop will take place on the 21st and 22nd of March 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Please visit for more details.

Hope to meet you or one of your team in Thessaloniki!

The Workshop Organisers

PS. Don’t miss the early bird registration deadline on 20th of January!


Programme 21st of March 2014
Morning session

Chair: Martine Nijs, Greece and Edith Coonen, the Netherlands

8:00 - 8:30


Registration with coffee and tea

8:30 - 8:40


Welcome by the Director of the Embryolab Academy
Martine Nijs, Greece

8:40 - 9:20


What is quality and why does it matter? What is quality management? What is total quality management (TQM)?
Edith Coonen, the Netherlands

9:20 - 10:00


ISO 9001–ISO 15189: what is in the name, what is in the number?
Haris Cazlaris, Greece

10:00 - 10:40


Internal and external quality control for IVF, Andrology, PGD and Cryobiology laboratories
Greta Verheyen, Belgium

10:40 - 11:00


Coffee break

11:00 - 11:40


How to collect and manage your data
Nicolás Garrido Puchalt, Spain

11:40 - 12:20


Starting a new ART Unit: Planning, building, validating and starting: so many QCM challenges
Stephen Harbottle, United Kingdom

12:20 - 13:15



Afternoon Session Hands-on: ‘Let’s get to work!

Chair: Martine Nijs, Greece and Edith Coonen, the Netherlands

13:15 - 13:45


How do I prepare, implement and review SOPs (Standard Operating procedures)?
Haris Cazlaris, Greece

13:45 - 14:15


How do I measure and validate parameters like temperatures, O2 and pH in specific equipment in my laboratories
Hubert Joris, Sweden

14:15 - 14:45


What about selection, quality and validation of media used in my laboratories? David Morroll, Denmark

14:45 - 15:15


I need to prevent errors and have traceability in all my laboratory activities and cryostorage system. Is there a simple way?
Matt Pettit, United Kingdom

15:15 - 15:45


Coffee break

15:45 - 16:15


I need safe materials and equipment for my laboratory and patient related procedures. Are they safe? How to select?
Martine Nijs, Greece

16:15 - 16:45


Air quality: is it that important and if so, how to measure and control it?
Alexia Chatziparasidou, Greece

16:45 - 17:15


How do I design my ‘move’ to a new laboratory?
Stephen Harbottle, United Kingdom

17:15 - 17:30


Summary of Hands-on workshop



Workshop Reception and Dinner

Programme 22nd of March 2014
Morning session

Chair: Alexia Chatziparasidou, Greece and Martine Nijs, Greece

8:45 - 9:25


How does TQM impact your day to day work in the ART laboratories: IVF, Andrology, PGD and Cryobiology laboratories
Greta Verheyen, Belgium

9:25 - 10:05


KPI’s and other stuff: How to define your success rates in TQM and the role of statistics
Nicolás Garrido Puchalt, Spain

10:05 - 10:45


Non-conformity registration in ART: what are the lessons to learn?
Alexia Chatziparasidou, Greece

10:45 - 11:05


Coffee break

11:05 - 11:45


What is risk and how do you assess it?
Edith Coonen, the Netherlands

11:45 - 12:30


The particular nature of IVF Total Quality Management: successes and pitfalls
Martine Nijs, Greece

12:30 - 13:30



Brains-on: ‘Bring your troubles to us and we will ’shoot’ them!’

Chair: All invited speakers will take part of the expert panel

13:30 - 17:00


Including coffee break
In this interactive session, delegates are invited to present a mini-poster describing a specific problem/trouble/issue they have or are encountering in their laboratories. Collectively, the expert team and the participants will investigate the problem and design a route for solving and preventing this (and other) problems in the future. Post Workshop, an overview paper describing the case reports will be published on the online Journal Faculty 1000 Research (Pub Med cited). Presenting delegates will be awarded co-authorship of the manuscript. Topic examples:

  • Since the last two days I am observing repetitive failed fertilisation in IVF but not in ICSI. Nothing changed in my procedures. How can this be?
  • I want to start using a new brand of ICSI dish. How do I validate them?
  • We are moving to a new operating theatre for our egg collections and embryo transfers. How do I validate this? What do I need to test?
  • I am a gynecologist and I want to start using cheaper embryo transfer catheters, but the embryologist claims they are toxic for the embryos. What to do?
  • I think that one my embryologists is performing poorly? How do I test in an objective way?
  • 17:00 - 17:15


    Summary of Brains-on workshop



    Closure of workshop and Farewell drink


    Locatie Thessaloniki
    Dear embryologist, dear scientist, dear colleague,
    Embryolab Academy is pleased to announce a new and exciting Workshop on Quality Control and Risk Management in the IVF laboratory: from theory to practise. The Workshop will take place on the 21st and 22nd of March 2014 in Thessaloniki, Greece. Reproductive scientists, embryologists, quality managers in IVF, clinicians as well as ART Unit managers who desire to improve their knowledge and understanding of all the recent advances in Quality and Risk Management for ART laboratories are invited to join our Workshop.
    Theoretical sessions will give an overview of recent advances in Quality and Risk Management for ART laboratories. In the ‘Hands-on’ sessions, different experts will focus on methodologies and techniques to standardise, measure, validate, and control different parameters like temperature, pH, air quality etc. In the ‘Brains-on’ sessions delegates are invited to present a specific problem/trouble/issue they have or are encountering in their laboratories. In an interactive way, the expert team and the participants will investigate the problem and design a route for solving and preventing this (and other) problems in the future.
    For more details on the program and registration, we would like to invite you to visit our website or mail to Dit e-mailadres wordt beveiligd tegen spambots. JavaScript dient ingeschakeld te zijn om het te bekijken. .

    Hoping to meet you soon in Thessaloniki!
    Kind regards
    Martine Nijs, Alexia Chatziparasidou, Nikos Christoforidis

